Monday, November 10, 2008


James McGrath, fellow Dunnite and the biblioblogger king of the hill for the month of October, professor of religion at Butler University, has tagged me with a meme. Don't ask me what it memes. I'm just supposed to post the rules of the meme:

1. Link to the person who tagged you (check, see above).

2. Post the rules on your blog (making this line a post within a post).

3. Write six random things about yourself (see below).

4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them (further below).

5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog (I assume a comment from James will mysteriously appear below at some point).

6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up (if it ever is).

Random Things
1. I'm an email-holic. I sometimes check my email and post comments on blogs while I'm teaching class (usually when students are taking a quiz). Sometimes I go to the bathroom to check my email when guests are over. Beware.

2. I wasn't a morning person until I had children. Now I am an omnitemporal person. I was up before 4 this morning and its almost midnight now.

3. I've lived 15 years of my life in Indiana, 15 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 6 in Kentucky, 3 in England, 3 in South Carolina, 5 months in Tübingen, Germany, and 2 months in Freetown, Sierra Leone. I'm 25 years old.

4. I once dressed up as the beheaded John the Baptist for Halloween when I was at seminary. I also dressed up in tights and a cape as Ichthusman for Ichthus in Wilmore, Kentucky in the early 90's.

5. I broke my middle finger playing right field in seminary. Then held up a car wash sign for my church on the side of the road with a splint on the finger for all to see. I also broke my elbow here at IWU playing intramural basketball before they had put down the flooring in the gym. I ran straight into the wall at full speed. I once gave myself a black eye rapping up a vacuum cord, and poked my eye in college with a candle sitting down at a dining room table for breakfast.

6. When I went through nerd mid-life crisis I carried a college physics book around in my car to relearn things I learned in high school and when I was a chemistry major.

So to pass the joy along, I tag Jared at Antiquitopia, Kris at Throughpainteddeserts, Angie at Angie's Point, Mike at ReclinerRamblings, Nathan at Crawford's Corner, and Adam at all the small things.

I know, I know, just what you all needed...


  1. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Beheaded John the Baptist for halloween? That's pretty creative.

    Say, Prof. Schenck, did you know that IWU's proposed seminary already has a wiki-post: ?

    If things are passed and get running, would you recommend an on-campus graduate program over the online course?

  2. I think I saw that once before but thanks for reminding me.

    Do you mean specifically at IWU? In theory an online course can be just as good or even better than an onsite one, if things are designed well. In keeping with IWU's approach to such things, the online courses will be pre-designed and uniform no matter who the facilitator is. The onsite courses will then be a little more flexible for a specific teacher to fill in some gaps.

    The onsite courses might be a once a week 9-3 commitment (Tuesday) with a 1 hr spiritual formation group 4-5. Online would be spread out over the week.


  4. It's interesting how you've lived 15 years in Indiana and 15 years in Flordia, yet you're only 25 years old. Tell me your secret!!! (Or did I miss something!) =)

  5. I suppose that means one of these numbers is not quite accurate... I wonder which one? Hmmm...

  6. I did the meme, just to let you know.

  7. I am laughing out loud as I picture you slipping off to the bathroom to check your emails when I am visiting you....ROTFLMHO! (and some folk thought you were kidding!)

  8. Thanks Nathan... life can now go on!

  9. I wrote my meme,but did not publish it, as I don't know any bloggers, so I can't fulfill the requirements....

  10. Thanks Angie, it's just one of those things... :-)

  11. This might take me a while. I just noticed this today, since my internet has been down for several days.

  12. Not important at all!
