I got an email this afternoon asking about Obama and Judges 4:1. This was a little puzzling, since it reads:
"And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, after Ehud died" (RSV).
But I think I can get into the head of whoever was throwing this verse around.
1. Israel=the United States. We have sinned as a people like Israel had, "doing what is evil in the eyes of the LORD."
2. In the next verses, Jabin, king of Canaan, and Sisera, his general, enslave and oppress Israel. Perhaps they represent Obama as oppressor? Or maybe they represent whatever people God is going to let oppress us because of our sin.
3. Next, God sends two women, Deborah and Jael, who respectively defeat the forces of Jabin and kill Sisera with a tent peg through the head while he's sleeping.
Palin 2004? Or maybe the message is 2 Chronicles 7:14--"If my people [read U.S. instead of Israel] who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray... then I will heal their land..."
You can understand why the modernist evangelical establishment has put such a premium on reading verses in context and against reading the Bible allegorically. When you use allegory, you can make any words say anything.
For example, how do I know that this is the right decoder ring to bring to this text. I could preach another sermon from the same text where
Or maybe this is the right decoder ring:
Israel=the Colts
Jabin=the Patriots
Deborah=Payton Manning
I wouldn't forbid allegorical interpretation. But before I accept your allegory as God speaking I need to ask, "On what authority do you expect me to take this off the wall match up as God speaking through you?"
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