Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Palin's Greatest Hits

Here's a litany of Palin on Palin put together by Keith Obermann. She may shine tomorrow night, but I feel sorry for her today.

Then here is Saturday Night Live's parody:


  1. Man that was painful to watch. I just wince now wen I see her in interviews.

    What I think is funny is when you compare the SNL skit where she gives the long convoluted answer about the bail out and the economy and how close it is to what she actually said in her interview with Couric, and in fact most of it is what she said verbatim. If you haven't watched those segments side by side you should. It's scary...

    Bryan L

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Yea, and according to Biden Franklin Roosevelt addressed the nation on TV during the stock market crash of 1929.

  3. Doesn't it show us that we need to educate our children more in American history and government?

  4. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Oh, didn't Obama say he had traveled all 57 states? Think of the media coverage if Palin would of said that!

  5. She's holding her own in the debate right now (although Biden's doing better in the undecided focus group lines on the bottom of the screen on CNN. Wonder if Fox has one of them and if so how it is playing out. Maybe the other way around).

    I've heard of that 57 states comment. Don't know if he actually said it but surely no one actually thinks Obama doesn't know how many states there are. On the other hand, since I can only think of a couple other Supreme Court decisions period other than Roe v. Wade (Brown versus Board of Education, Dred Scot), I could easily believe that she couldn't think of any either. Certainly any potential president should know our legal history thoroughly.
