I don't trust the polls, frankly.
I was undecided in the 2000 election right up until I went into the booth. I told the students in line with me that I was thinking of voting for my wife (I'm pretty sure they were voting for Gore).
But when I got in the booth, my default took over, and I voted for Bush. I voted for Bush because I was raised to think of Democrats as immoral liberals. I voted for Bush because I didn't like what I took to be Clinton and Gore's arrogance. And, thought I, how much damage can a president really do? Besides, this is Indiana, how I vote won't make a lick of difference.
Of course that was before 9-11 and the subsequent Iraq War.
My point is not to tell about my regrets in the 2000 election. My point is to say that I don't believe the polls that show Obama up by so much.
I do think most of those who have said they will vote for Obama probably will. He might loose two or three per cent to the Bradley effect.
But I'm guessing today that almost all of those who are still calling themselves undecided at this point of the game will probably break McCain because they just don't trust a black man named Barack Hussein Obama to be in the White House.
People say race doesn't bother them when they're talking. But then again, I signed up to jump out of an airplane and to bungy jump while I was on the ground. I felt a little differently in the plane or on the crane.
We'll see, but I'm thinking Obama needs about a 10% lead in the polls actually to be elected.
P.S. I did make myself jump.
Yes, race may play a part in Obama losing votes, some may not be able to overcome his color. But let's not forget that this is the most unaccomplished person to ever run for president. Obama has done nothing other than get elected to the US Senate. There is nothing distinguished or noteworthy in his legislative career as a US or state senator. He has no executive experience or run anything other than his campaign. Plus his ties to Acorn and other radical groups could be a factor. With the economy a mess and Bush practically destroying the Republican party, heck I don't even want to vote for a Republican myself. Electing Obama is like rolling dice, you really don't know what you are getting because there is really not much history that has been revealed about this guy except his skimpy voting record which is all far left of center.
ReplyDeleteWhen McLaren was in town on Monday he countered the Brady Effect with the Evangelical Effect. McLaren thinks there are many evangelicals who dare not admit to voting for Obama but who will vote Obama on Nov 4. I'm not sure, but it is an interesting thought.
ReplyDeleteSomething funny has been happening down here in North Carolina. When Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin made cracks about "community organizers" in their Republican Convention speeches, community organizers in Raleigh, Durham, and Charlotte were offended to the point that they redoubled their efforts to register new voters for this election. And who do you think these new voters will vote for?
ReplyDeleteI just don't believe America will vote for McCain even though racism is still obvious despite it being 2008. I can't see swingers going for a cantankerous old man with his finger on the nuclear button. Obama is clearly the most intelligent of the two and after Bush you don't want another thicko.