Monday, October 27, 2008

The liberal main stream media strikes again...

It reminded me of another recent interview.


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Ken I am so glad that you noticed and are so willing to defend the poor victimized Democrats who are villified by some of these evil Republicans. It isn't fair that some of these people are allowed to ask these kind of questions and say these things about liberals. Obviously your guys would never do such things to a Republican.

    I am sure that you agree that MSDNC, CNN, CBS, NBC etc and all your other favorite news channels are totally unbiased,completely fair and objective when they cover or interview these dangerous Repubicans. No doubt you view the media coverage of this election as impartial in the MSM, all except for FOX News who leans toward Republicans. But the fairness doctrine will take care of these guys someday!

  2. What defense? All I did was post two people pursuing positions you have advanced. Don't you agree with them? I'm publicizing your positions without comment!

    The title only makes an argument that there is media bias in both directions.

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  5. Wow!

    How dare she (a reporterette) question a Democrat as though he were a Republican. This, of course, is why they have had to censor, uh . . . er, silence, um . . . move on (yeah, that's it) from this station.

  6. I consider Craig a friend, Mark, although we've never met in person. The "loyal opposition" are always welcome.

    :mic, I assume that ironically there will be two reactions to the interviewer. The one will be Biden's--is she really serious? The other will consider these very important questions that most of the media have refused to pursue.

    It is really sobering to realize that people can have such different understandings of reality! I get that sinking feeling sometimes when I listen to vastly different scholarly presentations on the Bible--from people who are supposed to know the most about the possibilities. I haven't given up on truth, but man do people have wildly different interpretations of reality!

  7. Anonymous9:16 PM

    There is a big difference in the questions. Take a look.

    For Biden the questions clearly indicate a presumed truth:
    "Aren't you embarrassed by the blatant ACORN?"
    "Isn't Sen. Obama's comment a crushing political blunder?"
    "How is Sen. Obama not being a Marxist?"

    For Bachmann the questions that are much more open ended:
    "What do you make of this?"
    "What do the connections mean to you?"
    "What is wrong with it? Why is it an important issue?"
    "What is the connection?"

    Yes, Matthews has a reputation for interrupting and badgering his interviewees, but in this case you can't blame him. Bachmann was eager to take the discussion in a particular direction. She readily volunteered her thoughts. In contrast, Biden had to start each answer by disputing the presumption of the question itself. Matthews played one video clip of McCain and one audio clip of a McCain robocall. That's real, recent, and relevant material. West quoted Marx (MARX?) and then mentioned some reputed and unsourced comments by Obama antagonists. There's no comparison.
