Friday, October 03, 2008

Enjoying the Misfortune of Others...

... that's what Schadenfreude means. I really identified with this piece in the New York Times today:

1 comment:

  1. tsk, tsk, not godliness with contentment:)!

    I just had a friend the other day write me a similar story. She and husband have worked in ministry for years and find out now that many who got out of ministry are "driving new mercedes" (I guess that hasn't been my weak "want")...But she and hubby have seen and done so many things that others haven't. I guess all of us covet in different areas, it is just a matter of what we covet, huh?

    I have told her and she said it helped her...that we all have different challenges to bear up under...for some it is financial, some it is social, others, emotional or physical and for some their wealth is their life is fair in distributing different difficulties, just not in the same areas...gratitude for what we do have, is the challenge for all of us...because not any of us have it all (no matter what anyone says)!

    The Church should certainly not be in the business of bringing more difficulties or "crosses" to bear up under!!!
