Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Couple Lines from Democratic Convention

A couple years ago I moved most of my political comments somewhere else, but it has seemed appropriate to mainstream them in the election season. I listened to some of the speeches at the Democratic Convention on my way home from Fort Wayne last night. I didn't hear it all, but I thought two lines were good rhetoric.

"Bush was handed a triple and he stole second."
This was on the economy. I both agree and disagree with it. I disagree in that I remember the Fall of 2000 and the economy was already tanking when Bush took office. I actually, with no expertise at all, thought his first stimulus package seemed to turn things around pretty quickly.

BUT, I blame the Iraq War for the absolute demolition of the American economy ever since. An absolute disaster on a war of choice rather than of prudence or necessity. The American dollar is atrociously devalued overseas as a result. We have empowered China and the Middle East by borrowing ludicrous amounts of money from them and in paying for oil. It has made us far more vulnerable than we were before.

Now when something important comes up in Georgia, we're too busy mopping up aisle 3 in Iraq.

"The Democrats don't deserve to win just because the Republicans deserve to lose."
I thought this was a clever comment. I'm a registered Republican but have a lot of anger toward my own party. I thought Bush needed to be fired a long time ago as a disastrous CEO of the company. I have liked McCain in the past but have cringed to see him put on his dog collar so the party can walk him wherever they want him to go. I don't recognize the man who's running for office right now.

But in the 2004 election, Kerry lost--Bush didn't win; Kerry lost. We'll see how Obama does. I predicted he would be the next president immediately after the Iowa primary. I'm still predicting that, especially with Clinton's supporters almost sure to vote for him now. One commentator described some of them as "post-rational," but I know how they'll vote in the booth.

Right now, the election is Obama's to lose, IMHO...


  1. It became clearer to me last night how different the "worldviews" are of the Republican and Democrat...And it also became clearer to me, "it's the economy, stupid"!...
    While the Republicans believe in a free market system, where the individual is responsible for his own life, the Democrat believes that we should be responsible towards others less fortunate...While I believe that this is an ideal, can we legislate "charitable giving"? If one adheres to the O.T. standards, there would be no question, but, is this what is really required? Where are the parents, teachers, community leaders that represent the "ideals" of these two parties, so that children grow to understand the "ideal"? Maybe it is because we are too Republican or Democrat to appreciate the "other side"s" value....It is really about liberty and justice for everyone and both are required by our "ideals" as Americans and as Christians.

  2. What I think is very sad about the Democractic convention is how much people seem to be relying on our politicians to bring change to this shaky economy. Not that I don't believe that Obama won't have a huge positive impact on America, just that the changes which are being discussed (like universal health care, for instance) will have as immediate of an impact as many Americans need. Plus, parts of our economy (like the housing market) are going down and can not be remedied despite anyone's efforts. Not to be a negative Nelly, but I think that it is our job as people to take things like the economic future of our family into our own hands. My solution has been by picking up part time work with an emerging company called ViSalus sciences. It's internet marketing that takes about 1-2 hours a day of sending emails and writing press releases. Other than giving me supplemental income to tackle the rising gas prices, ViSalus Sciences gives me hope that America has a lot to offer the world with our business and scientific inovations. If you're interested in impacting change in America in a way that you can see tangible results long before politics make a difference, feel free to email me at or visit my website at
