Thursday, May 22, 2008

Surprised by Coptic

Sarah Smith, a very bright IWU undergrad, is learning Coptic this summer using Bentley Layton's Coptic in 20 Lessons: Introduction to Sahidic Coptic with Exercises & Vocabularies. Watch out April DeConick, here she comes. :-)

Of course these sorts of independent studies have to be registered with a professor, which means that I am trying to learn Coptic on the side too. Thankfully, I know enough languages that it's not too bad. But oh for the brain I had when I was a 20 year old!

1 comment:

  1. Just when you think you know some stuff, the next class of IWU grads comes through.

    Thank God for his Body, as I will never touch Coptic as long as I don't have to.

    Who is this Sarah Smith? Very impressive! Does she have any seminary plans yet? I can think of a full tuition scholarship to a certain northern Midwest school she'd be a shoe in for. :)
