Friday, February 22, 2008

Present Participles--Mounce Exercises

Today is the funeral for David Smith's mother, chair of the religion division at IWU. I have no doubt but that he covets your prayers for his family in this loss.

I will not be in Greek class today, so I have videoed the exercises we were to go over today. If you are having trouble sleeping, here's the cure. These are exercises for chapter 27 of William Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek. The topic is present participles. So if you want a blast from your seminary past or healing for the damage participles once did to you, if you are a current Greek student who'd like some review, or if you're trying to decide whether to jump into Greek, here's some fodder:

Present Participle Parsing Practice

Warm-Up Practice

Sentence Translations


  1. Ken, I took a Greek class from you at Asbury (something like 12-13 years ago?). I actually still remember some of your songs and watching that was a blast from the past AND a reminder of why I will never be a bible translator. :)

    I guess some people just don't "get" languages and I am one who labored through Greek in seminary. But you gave me an appreciation for it and some basic tools... and I'm still thankful. Your students should be grateful to have your as their teacher. Thanks for passing on your gifts to us. Blessings.

  2. Ken,
    I wish I had you for Greek. Even though that was awesome, I think I'll stick to Hebrew! lol

  3. Hey Paul--those were some good times, some my fondest memories. I'm sure your ministry hasn't suffered one iota for the fact you don't parse in your spare time :-)

    On the other hand, you have to wonder what God was thinking in His sense of humor to make some of us like it!

    John--you stick to that Hebrew :-)
