Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Apologies to Innocent Bystanders

I am amazed that some of you come back to read here from time to time, especially after I go off on my rants. Some of you are innocent by-standers who get caught in my poorly aimed crossfire. You usually let me know you're bleeding :-)

So let me apologize to people I don't want to hit:

1. I am not out to tear down any Calvinist or anyone else who is irenic, who is willing to put their hand in mine, who is willing to agree to disagree.
I don't hate Calvinists, and I don't dislike Calvinists because they're Calvinists. I think I might like John Piper if I knew him. I of course detest his form of Calvinist belief.

I have lots of Calvinists in my classes, and I try to help them strategize when we get to Scriptures that seem really problematic for them from my perspective. And I take it on the chin when we come to passages that are "naughty" for my theology.

What I can't stand is someone who looks down the nose at Arminianism as intellectually inferior to Calvinism as a theological system, who treats Arminians as Calvinism's ugly step-child. Think Arminian theology is impoverished? Go ahead, make my day.

2. I am not out to tear down people whose beliefs or practices or ideologies are ultra-conservative.
I am not out to tear down my old fashioned relatives. I am not out to tear down people who love the KJV. I am not out to get people who don't dance or go to movies. I'm not out to get people who could never ever vote for John McCain because he's a "liberal."

The word "fundamentalist" is not the same as ultra-conservative or even just conservative to me. I get along great with people who are more conservative than I am. My family background is in the most conservative segment of the Wesleyan Church.

To me, a fundamentalist is by definition a person who is militant about their conservatism. This is someone who does not want to get along. This person wants to send anyone who doesn't agree with them to hell in a handbasket and as soon as possible.

So I apologize to all my friends whom I have inadvertantly hit while trying to shoot at movements I want to keep at bay from my people. "If your heart is as my heart, then lend me your hand."


  1. I think the word "fundamentalist" might win the award for the most misused word in theological cat fights. As you suggest, we typically think that fundamentalist means "conservative," "old fashioned," or "hard headed." This, to be sure, does violence to the term.

    For those who are interested in actually learning what a fundamentalist is (and not just using it as a pejorative to attack your enemies), two good resources are:

    "Fundamentalism in American Culture" by George Marsden

    "Revive us Again" by Joel Carpenter

    Before you attack Ken or any other person for that matter, at least make sure the language you are using is coherent and correct.

  2. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Slinging around names and labeling others is characteristic of a "fundamenalist" trait, or the kind of fundamentalism that we all cringe over. I think Ken was possibly practicing what he opposes. I find it very interesting with those who are sympathetic or part of the emerging post modern movement. So willing to do what they criticize others for doing. Judging, name calling and labeling. But I do know that Ken is a sincere scholar and fine Christian. My hand is joined with yours amd we are brothers in Christ.

  3. Interestingly though - I have experienced and witnessed that "liberals" are just as guilty of name-calling and slinging, so I wouldn't use that designation as an exclusively fundamentalist position. I could cite too many examples. As humans, we like to list, categorize and name. Call it the curse of Adam or what you will. It's in the DNA, I'm afraid.
    By the way, my reasonS for not voting for McCain don't include his "liberality" - haha! I hope I don't get cast out for that!

  4. Wow:
    Calvinist KJV-loving fundamentalists who won't vote for John McCain because he's too liberal.

    I wonder what percentange of your readership fits that description?

    Not it.

    KEN -- my hand it joined with your as long as you can continue to type with the other hand. You're a genius, man. But don't get a big head about it! :-)

  5. Some day you need to do a serious column on "what is a fundamentalist?" since I suspect you believe all the fundamentals yet reject some of fundamentalism. You've hinted at it from time to time but I'd enjoy you describing exactly where you differ from fundamentalists while holding to the core fundamentals of the faith... there...that's your assignment for this class ;-)

  6. Thanks, Ken, for your open heartedness!
    I remember the couple of years finishing my degree at IWU in 1998.I was an eager adult "fundalmentalist" learner, (at least in physical age)...I had not really thought a lot about Church History, much less been taught about, needless to say that my exposure was "traumatic", but SO necessary in my growth as an individual made in "God's image"!!!
    I am still developing, not "fully mature", but desirous of a "reason" for faith. And therefore a commitment to that understanding of "truth".
    It has been a difficult but rewarding journey that I thank God and his human instruments for...(and you know who you are)...
    A few examples will give a "context" to what faith intergration is all about! I remember "accusing" Jim Lo of being under the teachings of Herbert Spencer (!) and being "frustrated" over the late David Smith's "pay your money and take your choice" statements in theology (I had the "answer" you know :)!!! I even, "cried and prayed for" Bud Bence, wondering if he'd "left the faith", when he would talk about Church History and all the politics that surround the Church as an institution...integration of faith and learning is when we "leave childish understandings" behind and grapple with the complexities of life. There are no black and white solutions....only issues to be resolved in our own minds and hearts.
    Those at IWU (and those affliated with IWU) should be proud of an environment of learning.
    In this light, I hope that my own "struggle to understand" my own faith through this blog site has not offended or concerned others.
    I believe that what God has placed within has not been developed fully, but the passion that needs developing through "reason" is pivotal here."Blind leaps" in the dark have left my heart wounded and bleeding and wondering where God was in it all. Therefore, I continue to seek to understand. And I hope and pray that in my seeking, I have not caused anyone else to "stumble" in their faith.

  7. Calvinist site; please stop by and bash us -- in unconditional love, of course -- but not too hard since whatever doesn't make us stronger WILL kill us -- though we do not fear that which can kill only our flesh. God bless you all – and He does bless us when we OBEY Him.

    John Lofton, Editor
    Recovering Republican

    Mission Statement

    “For the nation and kingdom that shall not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.” — Isaiah 60:12.

    As Christians, we are commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ to teach all nations — including ours — to observe all things He has commanded (Matthew 28:18-20). This means bringing into captivity to Christ all areas of life and thought. This means destroying arguments that are against the knowledge of God (II Corinthians 10:5). In obedience to these commands of our Lord, this Web site is established. We covet your prayers for our success in obeying Him.

    We are seriously concerned about, deeply grieved by and lament the fact that far too many of today’s so-called “Christian leaders” are a sinful embarrassment and are responsible for the cause of Christ being mocked and ridiculed. By being, first, cheerleaders for the Republican Party, they have dishonored their Lord and sold their Christian birthright for a mess of partisan political pottage. These individuals and organizations are Christian in name only, “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” From such, it is added, we must turn away.

    Secular, Christless conservatism — even when it is supposedly “compassionate” — will not defeat secular, Christless liberalism because to God they are two atheistic peas-in-a-pod and, thus, predestined to failure.

    More than 100 years ago, speaking of the secular, Christless conservatism of his time, the great Southern Presbyterian theologian, Robert L. Dabney, observed:

    “[Its] history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution, to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward to perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It tends to risk nothing serious for the sake of truth.”

    Amen! And what Dabney says has been proven with a vengeance in modern times, under recent Republican Administrations and Congresses who were supported enthusiastically by individuals and organizations who called themselves “Christian” but who, alas, when judged by their fruits, were not.

    To those who will accuse of us of desiring and trying to bring about “a Christian America,” we unashamedly plead guilty though the accusation is far too modest and somewhat muddled. To be sure, we desire a Christian America, and a Christian world, a Christian galaxy and a Christian universe. And, over time, by His grace, we hope to demonstrate that all these things already belong to the Lord Jesus Christ because He created them all and they are His property. This is why all knees must bow to the Lord and all tongues confess that He is the Lord — because He is!

    Jude 1:3 3

    “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” (KJV)


    For more than 35 years John Lofton has covered national politics and cultural/religious issues as a journalist, nationally-syndicated columnist, TV-radio commentator/analyst and political advisor.
    • Editor, "Monday," the weekly, national publication of the Republican National Committee, 1970-73.
    • Nationally-syndicated columnist for "United Features" Syndicate in more than 100 papers nationwide, 1973-80.
    • Editor, "Battleline," monthly newsletter of The American Conservative Union, 1977-80.
    • Editor, "Conservative Digest" magazine, 1980-82.
    • Columnist, "The Washington Times" newspaper, 1982-89.
    • Program-host/commentator, "America's Voice," a national cable TV network in all 50 states, 1998-99.
    • A commentator on the "Mutual Radio Network;"
    • An advisor to the Presidential campaign of Pat Buchanan;
    • Author of a monthly column on the Federal bureaucracy for Howard Phillips' "Conservative Caucus."
    • Has written articles for the NRA magazine “America’s First Freedom”; Gun Owners Of America.
    • Communications Director for Constitution Party Presidential candidate Michael Anthony Peroutka in 2004.
    • Co–host with Michael Peroutka of “The American View” radio program nationally-syndicated by “Radio America.”
    John Lofton has given numerous speeches before various groups, Liberal and Conservative, including Liberty University/Bob Jones University. He has appeared on every major TV/radio talk show (including the Comedy Channel’s “Daily Show”/“Politically Incorrect”) to debate every imaginable kind of anti-Christian goofball --- and some who are unimaginable but who do, alas, exist. And he never went to college which is why he is so smart. He can be reached at: Phone: (301) 410-760-8885; cell phone: 301-873-4612; email:

  8. Feel free to promote your site on this blog ;-)
