Saturday, December 15, 2007

Hebrews Website In Progress

I've begun to create the website for the course. The links don't go anywhere yet, but in 15 minutes I'm off for some training in the videocasting software.

If you want to see the "first draft" of the outer shell of the course, go to:

It's not too late for improvements, so any suggestions for the front face of the course, send them my way. By the way, the last day for registration is December 21 right now, so get off the fence and email me or the graduate ministries office at IWU to register.

1 comment:

  1. So, I did some more digging, and Bethel doesn't even have a course for Hebrews-Revelation right now on the charts. They may never have one.

    I'll keep looking into it. I may join up after all. I'm only taking 3 classes this quarter, so it wouldn't be much to add this.

    Random question: Is there much material for New Testament Ethics (or ethics in general) in Hebrews-Revelation in your opinion?
