Thursday, December 13, 2007

Course Requirements for Hebrews Open Source Course

Here are the course requirements for the grad class on Hebrews:

1. Watching Video-Lectures
Incorporated into each week of the course is a video-lecture that you will watch. You will be expected to engage with Schenck’s commentary lecture when you compare and evaluate the commentaries on your (public) team commentary blog.

2. (Public) Team Commentary Blogging (400 points)
In addition to Schenck’s video lecture, you will compare three other commentators on Hebrews on the passage of the week, often addressing a specific question. You will make a 500 word post on your team blog and make responses to posts by other members of the class.

3. (Private) Team Application Blogging (200 points)
Crucial to the class is the application of Hebrews’ material both in our theology and practice. Each week you will make a 300 word post on a private team blog on how the passage of the week might relate to our contemporary theology or practice, ending with some thoughts on how you might preach or teach from the passage in question. You will then make responses to posts from other members of the class.

4. Miscellaneous Assignments (200 points)
The course includes three miscellaneous assignments: 1) a survey of Hebrews, following a method presented in the first week (50 points), 2-3) two 5-10 page book review/evaluations, one of Barnabas Lindars’ book, The Theology of the Letter to the Hebrews, and the other of Ken Schenck’s book, Understanding the Book of Hebrews (75 points each)

5. A Final Exam (200 points)
At the end of the course, you will take an open book, timed exam online. It will mainly test a) your knowledge of the content of Hebrews and b) your knowledge of the assigned reading, video lectures, and your team discussions.

Course Grade
400 points – Commentary/Lecture Blog
200 points – Application Blog
200 points – Miscellaneous Assignments
200 points – Final Exam

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