Tuesday, November 06, 2007

1 Peter in a Nutshell

I'm Peter, and you're scattered all over Asia Minor. Hello!

God's done great things for us through Jesus Christ! Salvation is coming; it's ready and waiting! Of course things aren't so great right now. But remember, the prophets foretold of all this about Christ. They were puzzled but excited, and the angels were very curious too.

In this time when you are exiles and strangers--this is not your country--live in terms of the country that is coming rather than the way you Gentiles used to live. Be holy like God is holy. You've been born again. You're a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation now.

So live such good lives among the unbelieving nations that they may see your good behavior and glorify God for it at the judgment. Be subject to political authorities. Slaves, submit to your masters even when they beat you wrongly. They beat Jesus wrongly too. Women, submit to your husbands even when they are unbelievers. Maybe they will be won over by your virtue. Husbands, honor your wives.

To sum all that up: live among the nations honorably. Be ready to testify to Christ if they bring you to trial. Christ's suffering brought victory, which he proclaimed to the fallen spirits from the days of Noah. Noah was saved on the water from the Flood of those days. Baptism is water that saves us today.

So suffering purges us of sin and motivates us to live for God, not human passions. Christ is getting ready to judge the living and the dead. Yes, the dead will rise because Christ preached to them too.

The end is near. The judgment has begun with the house of God--don't be surprised. And if it is this bad for us, imagine what it will be like for the rest of the world! Rejoice in the honor of suffering with the name "Christian."

So elders who lead the flock, be good shepherds. And those who are younger should submit to the elders. Humble yourselves under God, and He will lift you up. You will suffer for a while, but then comes a time of eternal glory.

Silas helped me write this letter. Those here in "Babylon," Rome, greet you, including Mark.

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