Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday Night: In Jerusalem Again

John 20 tells us that eight days later the disciples were in a room again, presumably in Jerusalem. When Jesus had appeared to them before, Thomas had not been with them. He had said he would not believe Jesus was risen unless he could thrust his hand in Jesus' side and in his nailprints.

Now Jesus appeared to them again and went up to Thomas, encouraging to touch Jesus in his hands and side. Thomas felt no need. "My Lord, and my God," he said.

Then Jesus blessed all those who would later believe even though they have not seen, which is us.


  1. (((which is us)))
    Well put... all of us pass the test of "believing without seeing" in the most important matter of all, right?

  2. Hopefully ;-)

    I've not spent a lot of time studying John, but my impression is that he is maybe more interested in faith in "the whole package" of Jesus, which he zips altogether in the idea of believing in the Son. I think believing in the Son for him means that he descended from heaven, that he is one with the Father, etc...

    So there seems a whole lot more included in what John means when he speaks of faith in the Son and it is all essential for him. By contrast, Paul is much more cross-resurrection focused, it seems to me.
