Sunday, February 26, 2006

Let's remember Ash Wednesday

It seems appropriate to hold an Ash Wednesday service in the Williams Prayer Chapel. I'm going to go ahead and say that I'll lead a service Wednesday at noon in the prayer chapel for anyone interested. Unless I hear other desires, let's do it without communion and it will be a tad bit less than a 30 minute service.

I welcome feedback or substitutions...


  1. Personally, I'd enjoy a nighttime service. But that's because I have a 12 o'clock class :(

    Are you going to make an ash-cross on foreheads?

  2. Me too-- I had a 12:00 Augustine gorup that was cancelled for a 12:00 search committee--now I must choose between an Ash Wednesaday service and choosing the next professor for the division... "choose ye this day..." Rats!

  3. Well, how about a 7am service. Those who are talking are presumably those interested...

  4. I will take up for the 7:00am cause

  5. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Is there any chance we can do earlier than 7:00? Some of have to be at oyur posts already then. I am dejected that I can't find a service in town that's early enough for me...

    ...not that you all should move your service for me...

  6. I would but I don't think it would end up being you and me.

  7. Anonymous5:04 PM

    So is it scheduled for 7am or 12 noon?

  8. 7am, I'll go back and reverse engineer the post.
