Thursday, September 16, 2004

Bush, Impulsiveness, and Iraq

A report came out today sketching out three possible outcomes for the next year and a half in Iraq. The best case scenario was a tenuous peace much like we have today. The worst was civil war.

Bush has admitted that he miscalculated the resistance we would face after the war. I remember Wolfowitz telling a congressional panel that nobody anticipated that we would face such opposition from the grass roots people.

Of course he's way wrong. LOTS of people warned them that this would enrage the Arab world. Most Middle East and Iraq experts warned them of these things. But they, the idealogues of Washington, closed their ears to the informed outcries. Everybody wants democracy, they said. Everybody wants freedom, they said. How ignorant of history and of the glasses our own culture bequeaths us!

And I voted for Bush the first time! I voted for him because I thought at least "what you see is what you get." But the world situation has changed drastically since 2000.

What I see and get is a dangerous person, not because of his intentions, but because his understanding of the world is shallow. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer? I would rather have a person of nominal faith in charge with basically good goals and an in depth understanding of cause and effect, than an idealistic person of faith who mistakes his own two-dimensional thinking for that of God.

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